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STADLER Sorting Plants: Addressing the Worldwide Waste Problem

According to a United Nations report, we generate 2.12 billion tonnes of waste every year, and while some of it is recycled, a lot ends up in landfill or is thrown into our oceans. These are alarming statistics, and the consequences for future generations may be irreversible.

In order to curb this constant increase in waste, the world needs functional recycling processes. This means professional sorting of materials to achieve the highest possible purity rates: this is precisely what STADLER does best.

The company specialises in building waste sorting plants for many types of materials and has extensive experience in the market, having built plants for MSW, light packaging, plastic bottles, film, wood, RDF and many others across the world.  

STADLER excels at keeping abreast of the constant changes in the waste we generate as our habits evolve. It is quick to detect new requirements and develop new processes and technologies to address them. This is the key to its ability to deliver cutting-edge sorting plants that are always tailor made for the customer and the material it handles.

Professional, functional recycling such as that provided by STADLER plants is key to reversing the increasingly urgent waste issue. STADLER is ready to bring its solutions wherever needed and to help save our enviroment and the future of our children.

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STADLER® Anlagenbau GmbH is dedicated to the planning, production and assembly of sorting systems and components for the waste disposal and recycling industry world-wide. Our slogan “Engineering at its best” not only encapsulates many years...