Coolfog Access Environmental Systems

Access Environmental Systems (AES) is an independently Australian owned and operated company providing high quality fogging/ misting systems and equipment to both Industry and Commerce. We service a broad customer base addressing a large spectrum of applications from the Mining and Quarry sector through to the Entertainment and Hospitality industries.

Our business commenced operations in July 2000 under the guidance of Managing Director and Chief Engineer – Geoff Svenson. We have now gone on to become a power of innovation, knowledge and Expertise in our field.On commencing operations, Access Environmental Systems was very much aware of continual changes relating to Environmental practices and Laws for Industry and Commerce. This has lead to the design and introduction of our Coolfog system. This system has been specifically designed to address three main areas of concern which have been identified by Industry.


  • Heat Reduction
  • Dust Suppression
  • Odour Control

Initially, Access Environmental Systems focused its attention on the Australian Foundry, Quarry and Recycling industries with great success. As our client portfolio grew so did the number of requests for additional features such as Temperature, Humidity and Remote control, a calibrated dosing facility and, mobile fogging capability.Access Environmental Systems also branched out into supplying our systems to special effects industries for fogging/misting in theme parks and parklands, and also into the hospitality industry by installing our systems in alfresco dining areas and beer gardens.

Consequently, Access Environmental Systems has over time sought out and negotiated agency agreements with reputable, like-minded manufacturing organisations that can provide the type of equipment that can be either incorporated into a Coolfog system or supplied independently as required.  This has allowed Access Environmental Systems to not only continue to satisfy its client’s specific needs but to extend the range of products that it can provide thus widening its industry and commercial appeal.

Coolfog Access Environmental Systems
Unit 5/23 Kenworth Place
+61 7 3881 3262

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