Industry Associations and Links

Recycling Industry Associations and other useful links of interest to recycling professionals.

United States

Battery Council International (BCI)

Battery Council International (BCI) is a not-for-profit trade association formed to promote the interests of the international battery industry. BCI has more than 200 member companies worldwide engaged in every facet of the industry: lead battery manufacturers and recyclers, marketers and retailers, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, and expert consultants. As the industry’s principle association, BCI’s member services have a global impact.


California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)

California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) brings together the state’s recycling and waste management programs and continues a tradition of environmental stewardship.


Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA)

The Mission of the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority is to promote the quality of life of the Emerald Coast by providing water, wastewater, and sanitation services in an effective and efficient manner.


Illinois Recycling Association

The Illinois Recycling Association is the only collective voice for recycling on critical waste management issues facing this state. We represent your interests at the state level.


Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)

ISRI, the Voice of the Recycling Industry™, provides expert insight on key issues relevant to scrap recyclers and the communities they serve. ISRI is uniquely positioned to provide international, national, and local perspectives on issues such as global trade, commodity markets, and more.


Michigan Waste & Recycling Association (MWRA)

The Michigan Waste & Recycling Association (MWRA) advocates safe, economically sustainable and environmentally sound waste hauling, disposal, recycling, composting and landfill gas-to-energy programs.


Recycle Florida Today, Inc. (RFT)

Recycle Florida Today, Inc. (RFT) is Florida’s premier recycling organization representing more than 200 recycling and environmental professionals throughout Florida from both the public, private and non-profit sectors. RFT was formed to be a driving force to help Florida implement its recycling goals and objectives. RFT continues to provide educational and networking opportunities on the subject of recycling for all Floridians as well as support to local and state elected officials on laws and regulations affecting the recycling industry.


The Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA)

The Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association has many accomplishments of note, including the annual FHWA/ARRA In-Place Recycling Workshop, the publication of the Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual, the Federal Highway Administration’s adoption of an official policy on recycling, the National Highway Institute’s asphalt recycling and reclaiming training course, special features in the trade press, and several very successful joint annual meetings with the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association and the International Slurry Surfacing Association.


The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)

The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is the voice of the professional automotive recycling industry. Founded in 1943, ARA represents an industry dedicated to the efficient removal and reuse of automotive parts, and the safe disposal of inoperable motor vehicles.


The Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA)

The Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA) promotes and defends the environmentally sound recycling of the more than 500 million tons of recoverable construction and demolition (C&D) materials that are generated in the United States annually. These materials include aggregates such as concrete, asphalt, asphalt shingles, gypsum wallboard, wood, and metals.


The Glass Recycling Coalition

The Glass Recycling Coalition brings together a diverse membership of companies and organizations to make glass recycling work: glass manufacturers, haulers, processors, materials recovery facilities, capital markets, end markets and brands that use glass to showcase their products.


The National Waste & Recycling Association

The National Waste & Recycling Association is the trade association representing private-sector U.S. waste and recycling companies, as well as the manufacturers and service providers that do business with those companies.


The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS)

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), formerly SPI, is a purpose-driven organization here to support the entire plastics supply chain. Visit:

The Reusable Industrial Packaging Association (RIPA)

For nearly three-quarters of a century, the Reusable Industrial Packaging Association (RIPA) has been the trade association representing North American reconditioners, manufacturers and distributors of reusable industrial packaging. RIPA represents over 90% of the industrial packaging reconditioning industry in North American including many of the world’s leading manufacturers of steel, plastic and fiber drums, as well as intermediate bulk containers.


The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is a 501c(3) organization of more than 10,000 public and private sector professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through their shared emphasis on education, advocacy and research. For more than 50 years, SWANA has been the leading association in the solid waste management field. SWANA serves industry professionals through technical conferences, certifications, publications and a large offering of technical training courses.


The Southeast Recycling Development Council (SERDC)

The Southeast is unique in its access to robust recycling markets. Recycling isn’t just about SMART use of natural resources–it’s about delivering VALUABLE commodities to some of our most important businesses.


The Washington State Recycling Association (WSRA)

The Washington State Recycling Association is a nonprofit membership organization that has been dedicated to supporting waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting in Washington since 1976. Our members come from all sectors of the industry — collection, processing, manufacturing, vendors, consulting, education and outreach, government, and nonprofits.



ISWA International Solid Waste Association

ISWA – the International Solid Waste Association – is a global, independent and non-profit making association, working in the public interest and is the only worldwide association promoting sustainable, comprehensive and professional waste management.



EPRO – European Association of Plastics Recycling and Recovery Organisations

EPRO is a pan-European partnership of specialist organisations that are working to develop and deliver efficient solutions for the sustainable management of plastics resources, now and for the future.


The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR)

The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is the only global recycling industry association representing around 800 companies and 35 affiliated national recycling federations from 70 different countries. Its members are world leaders in the supply of raw materials and a key pillar for sustainable economic development.


United Kingdom

RECycling Of Used Plastics Limited (RECOUP)

RECycling Of Used Plastics Limited (RECOUP) is a registered charity and not-for-profit member based organisation. RECOUP works in collaboration with all stakeholders to promote, develop, stimulate and increase the levels of plastics recycling within the UK.


The Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisition (Alupro)

Alupro is an industry funded, not-for-profit organisation with over 25 years experience representing the UK’s aluminium packaging industry. We work to fulfil the industry’s obligation to meet, and exceed, recycling targets for aluminium packaging. 


The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE)

The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE) UK provides a platform for the industry to profile and benchmark cartons as a renewable, recyclable and low carbon packaging choice, and to drive its environmental initiatives. This includes running the industry’s carton recycling programme.


The British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA)

The British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA) is the trade association representing the £5.6 billion UK metal recycling sector – a globally competitive industry supplying environmentally-friendly raw material to metals manufacturers.


The British Plastics Federation (BPF)

Established in 1933 the British Plastics Federation is the most powerful voice in the UK plastic industry with over 500 members across the plastics industry supply chain, including polymer producers and suppliers, additive manufacturers, recyclers, services providers, end users, plastics processors and machinery manufacturers, representing over 80% of the industry by turnover.


The Environmental Services Association (ESA)

The Environmental Services Association (ESA) is working to transform waste and resource management in the UK. Our work helps enable our members to turn Britain’s waste into valuable resources whilst protecting the environment.


The Recycling Association

The Recycling Association represents more than 80 UK recycling organisations producing more than 2 million tonnes of recyclate a year. We are the largest network of independent waste and recycling operators in the UK with a combined annual turnover in excess of £2 billion.


The Textile Recycling Association

We are the UK’s trade association for collectors, sorters, processors and exporters of used clothing and textiles. Our members are collectors, graders and processors of used clothing, textiles and shoes and they operate throughout the United Kingdom. We welcome enquiries from anyone in the UK or abroad who may wish to join the association.


The Wood Recyclers Association

The WRA has more than 100 member companies representing over 86 per cent of the UK’s wood recyclers and reprocessors. We act on behalf of our members to provide a voice for the sector at the highest levels, working closely with the Environment Agency, DEFRA and other trade associations and recycling bodies to influence and advise on issues affecting our industry, including legislation.



Alberta Plastics Recycling Association (APRA)

The Alberta Plastics Recycling Association (APRA) is an Alberta not-for-profit industry association that has been dedicated to sustainable plastics recycling and minimizing plastic waste in the landfill since 1991.


Recycling Council of Alberta

The RCA’s mission is to promote and facilitate waste reduction, recycling, and resource conservation in the Province of Alberta. Through a consultative approach and support of the RCA Committees and partners (i.e., government, industry, stewardship organizations and other associations) and additional stakeholders, the RCA will pursue protection of the environment through resource conservation following the 3Rs hierarchy.


The Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI)

The Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI) is an industry association made up of over 250 member companies in the recycling sector that process, broker, and consume recyclable commodities, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals, electronics, paper, rubber, glass, textiles, and plastics. CARI was founded in 1941 at the request of the Canadian government, which sought high-quality scrap metal to support the war effort.


The Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group (CWWR)

The Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group acknowledges that our business members are looking for greater professional efficiencies, better resource management, exceptional performance, sales opportunities, environmental goals, landfill cost savings and economic gains on every level of the Canadian Wood recycling industry.


The Municipal Waste Association (MWA)

The Municipal Waste Association, formerly known as the Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators, is an incorporated not-for-profit organization formed in 1987 by Ontario municipal waste management professionals to facilitate the sharing of municipal waste reduction and recycling information and experience.


The Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA)

The OWMA is the province’s largest, most effective environmental services association representing the waste management and recycling sector. Its membership includes more than 250 companies and organizations in the private and public sectors, which manage 85% of Ontario’s waste.


The Recycling Council of British Columbia (RCBC)

The Recycling Council of British Columbia (RCBC) is Canada’s longest-serving recycling council established in 1974. As a multi-sectoral, non-profit, membership driven organization, we facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge that enable efficient solutions to eliminate waste. Through our Recycling Hotline and Recyclepedia, we provide BC’s most comprensive source of information for B.C’s 17 Extended Producer Responsibility programs, curbside recycling programs, and other waste reduction and reuse options for products and materials British Columbians encounter every day.



Material Recycling Association of India (MRAI)

Material Recycling Association of India is the apex National Association that represents India’s Recycling Industry that conducts recycling processes for products like Metals (Ferrous & Non-Ferrous), Plastic, Paper, Rubber, Glass, Tyre, E-Waste, Textile, Ashes, Building & Construction Waste, etc.


The Netherlands

International Ship Recycling Association

ISRA is founded and statutory located in The Hague, The Netherlands. This location was chosen as the Dutch initiators Bernard Veldhoven and Tom Peter Blankestijn together with the founding fathers of ISRA held the first General Meeting in The Hague and homed the Secretariat over there. The Hague is well known as the Centre of Justice and lies both nearby Brussels, Belgium; with head office of the European Union and Commission and London UK, Centre of many maritime related activities, with head office of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


The Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA)

The Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA) represents the national and international interests of waste companies active in the Netherlands. With more than 50 members, the DWMA is an important discussion partner for government departments, regional and local authorities and other organisations.


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