Alvibra A/S has many years of experience as well as many patents in vibration technology, which among other features reduces energy consumption significantly, and at the same time the technology is very quiet in relation to conventional vibration technologies.
Strong Financial Owner
Alvibra A/S is a wholly-owned company of the group Grundtvig Invest A/S (CVR 21581186), which is a well consolidated industiral investor with a strategy of developing technology-based companies, that add unique benefits to their customers.
The aim of Alvibra A/S was, through investments in further product development and several new patents as well as through business and market development, to create an internationally operating company with considerable expertise within its area.
The Grundtvig Invest group also owns several other companies.
Member of EHEDG
Alvibra A/S is a member of the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), which is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes as well as public health authorities and was founded in 1989 with the aim to promote hygiene during the processing and packing of food products.
The principal goal of EHEDG is the promotion of safe food by improving hygienic engineering and design in all aspects of food manufacture. EHEDG actively supports European legislation, which requires that handling, preparation processing and packaging of food is done hygienically using hygienic machinery and in hygienic premises (EC Directive 2006/42/EC for Machinery, EN 1672-2 and EN ISO 14159 Hygiene requirement).