Stability, know-how and availability
Söderhamn Eriksson stands for stability, know-how and availability. These concepts comprise some of our strengths that our operations are based on and make our customers feel safe. The stability comes from our long history and our long-term corporate structure. This enables us to take uncomfortable decisions that pay off in the long run. Stability also means security. We are a strong, knowledge-based company with sound finances. Over the years we have gathered large volumes of know-how and experience as well as performed a very large number of system deliveries, which has given us a wide-ranging knowledge base. At the same time, we have never lost our focus on the breakdown process, which after all is at the core of any sawmill. Sawing and debarking have remained our top competences, in later decades completed by edging technology.
It has always been our goal to create better sawing economy for our customers by cutting unit product costs. This is the reason for our endeavor to continuously acquire and implement new know-how. Our many successful decades in the industry indicate how easy it is for us to be innovative and adapt to new circumstances. The source of our know-how lies primarily in the experience of our skilled employees. Our employee turnover is low, as we find it important to utilize and build on existing knowledge within the company.
Especially system deliveries that require fast installation, comprehensive service, ready availability of spare parts as well as customer-specific training, are becoming more and more important for sawmills all over the world. We are anxious to always be prepared and take the ultimate responsibility for all our deliveries. As we are operating in an international marketplace, we are naturally increasing our availability to our customers. At present we are chiefly represented in the coniferous forest belt and planning further expansion within this area. This will strengthen our position and thereby our ability to utilize existing competences regarding our machines and systems, while at the same time help transfer know-how between countries.