Industrial Dust and Odor Control

Innovations in Industrial Dust and Odor Control Systems for Recycling Operations

Loading and unloading, moving, and shredding recyclable materials often create fine dust particles that can escape into the air. When particulates get airborne, they become hazardous for both employees and the recycling equipment. Therefore, it’s crucial to implement an effective dust management strategy.

An active dust control plan also helps recycling facilities meet air quality standards, improve public relations with the surrounding community, and prevent costly penalties.


Dust suppression is a current challenge in recycling operations. Raised awareness and tighter regulatory standards contribute to the recycling industry finding more efficient and cost-effective methods of fugitive particle control. A good dust management plan tackles the problem at its source. Most shredders and crushers have dust suppression technology built into them. Still, it’s limited to those machines, leaving recycling facility managers to determine the best means for suppressing dust generated once material hits the open air.

Although ordinary at facilities treating organic material, the issue of odor control is significant across all sectors of the waste industry. Concerns over foul odor emissions are one of the big stumbling blocks in the planning and permitting stages of many waste facilities. In contrast, poorly executed odor control regimes can cause friction with the local community.

Odor control systems need to be considered central to the operation of plants and be well maintained.

This Technology Zone offers an insight into the latest innovations in Industrial Dust & Odor Control for waste and recycling operations.

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Experts for Industrial Dust and Odor Control

Xu Xifeng, the founder of Keson and vice president of Jiangsu Low Carbon Environment Design Institute of China. He has been engaged in solid waste recycling industry for more than 10 years, and has unique insights on solid waste overall solutions and resource recovery and sorting systems. He has visited well-known solid waste treatment companies in the Middle East, Europe, America and other regions, introducing standardized, refined and systematic management concepts of global top enterprises to his enterprises, and transforming advanced technologies and processes into productive forces. Within five years of solid waste sorting technology and waste resources in the field of rapid layout, his products are sold in 17 countries and more than 40 regions.
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