Etablished in 1982 by Mr. Antonio Massaro, President and Director, Tecnova has become solid by the confidence shown from their own customers that give Tecnova the possibility to grow more and more and to obtain the main position in the national market, and after, in the foreign markets all over the world.
Naturally all of this has been possible because of the high quality construction of the plants using the best technology. Using the best quality of the material and components, we try to offer the customers a technical, fast, effective and, as possible, also economic assistance.
There are more scraps of packaging with more layer, that also include materials that aren’t compatible and also increase the percentage of extensible films with lower thickness that have problems during the drying phase after being washed. So it is necessary to introduce recycling plants for not homogeneous materials and with high humidity.
Tecnova is offering and supplying screws to their customers for the existing machines.