SeeSUSTAINtec Develops the Sustainable Technology Business in SE Europe

SeeSUSTAINtec Develops the Sustainable Technology Business in SE Europe
15 Jan 2020  |
At the end of 2019 EC declared the ambitious aim for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, slowing down global heating and mitigating its effects.

Surely, these processes will reflect on the sustainable development of SE Europe, which will speed up the investments in the following areas: environment, climate, and digitalization.

In the context of these changes Via Expo organizes seeSUSTAINtec (7-9 April, Sofia, Bulgaria) – the only international exhibition and forum in Bulgaria for Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Waste Management, and Air Quality. Sustainable solutions will be presented as a profitable business and a rewarding investment. International companies are looking for distributors and investors, while the industry, municipalities, and end consumers are aiming to decrease their carbon footprint and to improve their competitiveness. The comprehensive promotional campaign will attract visitors from the Balkans countries (in 2019, 21% of the visitors came from abroad).

The exhibition

  • Companies from Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland have already joined the event. Exhibitors up till now include Fimic, Menart, IFE Aufbereitungstechnik, Sophilco, Krickl Waagen Systeme, Geocycle, Hitachi Zosen Inova, HERZ Armaturen, etc.
  • For the 11th consecutive year, Austrian companies will demonstrate innovations at the Austrian Pavilion.
  • The exhibition areas cover the following areas: Waste collection, transport, treatment, utilization, and recycling; Air quality: measuring and control; Energy Efficiency & RES, ICT for smart buildings, digital infrastructure, mobility, etc.
  • The Loyalty program will provide exhibitors with numerous free services. They will preliminarily get in contact with distributors, agents or associates through the on-line platform ‘Looking for business partners’.

The Conference – Authoritative associations will organize seminars and workshops on the topics:

  • EU Programme’s funding opportunities
  • Climate neutrality
  • Why is it worth investing in solar rooftop systems?

Become an active participant in the sustainable transformation of South-East Europe. Book your stand at seeSUSTAINtec.

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