CM H-50 Shredder Auto Tipper and Liquid Separation System

15 Dec 2020  |
This CM H-50 Hybrid shredder system features a fully integrated and turnkey one touch start and stop programmed cycle.

Once the tipper is carted into the safety cage, the operator can efficiently and safely control the entire sequence with the touch of a single button on the PLC touchscreen control panel. The programmed cycle includes starting the tipper elevator, turning on the Shredder, starting the vibratory liquid separation system and discharge conveyance systems in a programmed sequence. 

CM Shredders turnkey systems are available for:

  • Ferrous Recovery & Non-Ferrous Metals Recovery.
  • Light and heavy separation.
  • Material Handling. 
  • Wood Recycling and mulch systems.
  • Custom Applications.

Versatile and rapidly deployed

CM systems come as a turnkey package and include infeed conveyor, discharge conveyor, subframe, stands, and platforms as well as a control panel with PLC Controls. All systems are prewired and tested at the factory. This unique feature allows systems to be quickly installed and commissioned in the field. Most systems are operational in two-three days after arrival on site. This saves thousands of dollars in freight, site preparation, and field installation costs.

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Fueling technology and innovation for today and beyond, CM Shredders has long been at the forefront of game-changing innovations. CM’s shredders and recycling systems are hard at work in hundreds of locations spanning 5 continents...

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