The world-renowned shredding technology has made the 4,700-mile journey from UNTHA’s manufacturing hub in Salzburg, to Geocycle’s 13-acre site in Dorchester, SC. Here, the mobile unit with 2 x 177hp motors, will process non-hazardous post-industrial waste to produce a <3” RDF fuel that will be used for energy recovery in the nearby Holly Hill cement plant.
Currently configured to manufacture 10 tons of alternative fuel per hour, the plant aims to generate 35,000-40,000 tons of RDF per annum.

This is not the first waste shredder to be in operation at the Dorchester facility. Geocycle was previously operating two single-shaft Vecoplan shredders and a dual-shaft SSI machine. But as damage from unshreddables began to restrict the performance of this incumbent shredding technology, Geocycle made the switch to the UNTHA XR to facilitate single-pass RDF production moving forward.
Commenting on the reason for investing in the new shredder, Geocycle’s Director Processing Expertise and Business Development Nicolae Cuzuioc said: “I have long been familiar with this brand of equipment, not least because there are a number of UNTHA shredders in operation in Geocycle facilities worldwide. However, the technology hasn’t previously been right for my co-processing requirements here in Dorchester.
“But when I heard about the new UNTHA mobil-e and the machine’s ability to handle a number of complex input materials, I was extremely interested. We took delivery of a demo unit from UNTHA America in late 2018, so that we could trial the shredding technology using our own waste. And it quickly proved such a crucial part of our plant that we’ve retained ownership of this machine until our own machine has arrived.”

Impressed with the XR’s throughputs, reduced running costs, energy efficiency, and easy maintenance, an order was placed for a new mobile shredder, which has just arrived on site.
“Every day we are learning that the XR has capabilities we didn’t previously think were possible,” continued Nicolae. “So, I am really excited to see what the future holds for our facility, as we begin to process even more heavy solids using this robust machine.”
When asked about the relationship with UNTHA America, Nicolae concluded: “As part of a global organization it is important that we seek out the best, world-class technologies for our plants. But we do also try to facilitate local working relationships where we can too so that we have easy access to spare parts, servicing expertise and reactive support should we need it.
“I hope this is the start of a long-lasting relationship with the UNTHA America team.”