The accuracy, simplicity and industrial construct of the scales held up in their tougher environment and provided load weight information on the go without interruption to their busy processes. However with regards to their recycling program, in an effort to minimize waste and reduce error, they decided that they would need to record specific metrics alongside the weight of the load to be recycled. Understanding what production line, what shift, and type of paperboard commodity would allow them to refine their process. With the current systems that information would need to be collected manually with a clipboard by the operator of the lift truck. Understanding that this manual process would be cumbersome for the operator, create productivity lags and be subject to mistakes they reached out to us as the manufacturer of the scales to see if there was a scale that would allow them to capture their data and marry with the weight lifted.
Instead of showing this company different or more data-enhanced scale systems that we offer the first line of business was to clearly understand their process. Before we could propose a solution we needed to understand their business and what their objective was. Walking the plant and sitting down with their operation engineers we were able to create a process map that not only captured all the data required but was the least interruptive to the lift truck operator. The combined effort introduced the SkidWeigh ED4 remote data capture weigh scale with scanner connectivity. We customized the programming of the scale to introduce a specific process at the push of a button that allowed the operator to collect all data required using scanners and software prompts. In addition to the ability to customize software, we could create those process prompts using their terminology, which for both operator and report analysis enhances clarity. The SkidWeigh ED4 also connects wirelessly to their network allowing access to the data on a LAN webpage with the ability to create reports. No clipboards, no delays, no mistakes just real-time data on demand.