STEINERT Opens a New Test Center. Register Now and Join the Live-Show

In the new test center, sorting systems – The Resource Search Engines – can be tested just as they will be used in a real industrial plant.
13 Aug 2020  |
COLOGNE - The metal sorting line of the new test and development center will officially go into operation during the opening show on 22 September 2020. By opening the new building, the company is trebling its testing capacity, allowing it to be more flexible in responding to customer demands.

For over 130 years, STEINERT has specialised in building machines that allow its customers to look for, find, and sort resources. The machines can be justifiably called “Resource Search Engines”. They satisfy increasingly versatile sorting tasks, not only helping STEINERT’s customers to sell their sorted products for more profit but also helping to keep resources in circulation.

Registration for the digital live show is now open

The opening will start on 22 September at 10 a.m. CET in a 90-minute live show. The same show again – but in the English language – will be held at 5 p.m CET. The event will be celebratory and interactive, allowing guests to get involved at many different points. A presenter will interview STEINERT experts. The event will focus on providing an overview of the sorting technology installed. The guests can participate in live question and answer sessions.

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After the live show, there will be an Online-Seminar on “How to separate non-ferrous metals and sorting heavy metals to the maximum”. The Online-Seminar will answer questions about:

  • separating NF-metals from shredder processes and incineration bottom ash
  • improving aluminium quality
  • separating heavy metals in individual fractions

Sorting lines optimised to industries

By the end of the year, STEINERT will introduce additional sorting lines for mining and waste recycling so that it can better achieve its aspiration of “test before you buy” and can respond with ever more accuracy to the sorting aims of extraction, purity, and profitability for each sorting task. “The processing sequence deployed in the sorting systems is the same as that used in a real industrial plant.

We are delighted that even more customers can try out our technology, from magnetic separators to sensor-based sorting systems, such as x-ray transmission, x-ray fluorescence and near-infrared (NIR),” says Peter Funke, CEO of the STEINERT Group. The research and development team is also moving to the same building in Pulheim, seven kilometers away from STEINERT’s headquarters in Cologne, allowing customers to derive even more benefits from the latest developments.

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As a leader in several Global markets, STEINERT offers an extensive product range to enhance the operations of leading international recycle and mining projects. We provide comprehensive services in customised design, application and commissioning in...

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