The obtained recycled glass can be used as a substitute for the glass re-melt industry for the production of new glass containers. Until now, the sorting process in such a recycling facility has caused a significant loss of good cullet, especially into the CSP reject stream (Ceramics, Stone, and Porcelain) with glass contents of up to 90%. The reason for this significant loss in glass is the result of outdated sorting techniques. Due to the low transmission value, dark and thick glass pieces cannot be told apart from CSP and are ejected along with the CSP by optical sorters. This will result in lower output rates and increased disposal costs for the CSP reject stream due to the higher volume.
REDWAVE has taken on this challenge and through continuous research and development of its glass sorting sensors and software. REDWAVE has achieved a superb detection rate of dark glass. Detection of dark glass has improved by more than 50% while there have been no losses when it comes to semi-colored glass or thin porcelain. This new REDWAVE sensor and software can easily be upgraded thus eliminating incurring costs on facility extensions and avoid the need to purchase additional sorting machines.

Further Usage Possibilities
Establishment of an independent level for recovery of glass from CSP-rejects of existing plants.
REDWAVE offers the possibility to sustainably reduce losses of glass in facilities through brand-new machines and upgrade packages and eventually adds an invaluable contribution to the increase of productivity rates in plants.