STEINERT sorting equipment aids in the production of pure, clean steel. It is key to unlock the value of ferrous scrap streams and avoid potential steel mill penalties and to refine the pathway to a circular economy. The steel recycling industry is one of the oldest and most important members of the recycling community. With electric arc furnaces in the value chain, ferrous scrap purity continues to pressure resource efficiency.
It is the use of steel scrap in new steel production, not iron ore and coking coal, that preserves natural resources. By recycling steel, scarce raw materials are preserved, energy is saved, and the environment is spared considerable carbon dioxide emissions along with other waste products. For every ton of steel scrap that is used instead of primary raw materials in steel production, 1.67 t of ore and 0.5 t of energy resources (coal, coke, heavy fuel) do not need to be mined, transported long distances, and consumed.* For these reasons, the phrase “Green Steel” has been coined and entered everyday use. But producing recycled raw materials for the manufacturing industry first requires the materials to be sorted. Our Solution Guide will show how to best clean your steel scrap.
Typical applications and demand:
- Recovery & purification of ferrous scrap from shredder scrap
- Cleaning of heavy melting scrap HMS (E1/3) from shear scrap processing
- Recovery & upgrade of ferrous products from e-scrap or lighter mixed scrap materials

1. How to clean ferous product from end-of-life vehicle (ELV) shredded scrap
Our sorting systems for cleaning ferrous product from en-of-life vehicle (ELV) shredded scrap
Our magnetic drum increases the efficiency of sorting plants by generating clean ferrous scrap. The STEINERT MTE Q means you can reliably remove iron from various sortable materials or recover high-purity ferrous fractions. In the case of the classic magnetic drum that operates in a traversing manner, the bulk material is evenly distributed via a feed chute and placed onto the rotating magnetic drum. Here magnetic particles are retained on the surface of the drum and recovered, whereas non-magnetic ones follow the laws of gravity and fall down. Material flows with a high iron content can thus be prepared for further differentiated sorting processes.
Working widths: 800 – 3,400 mm
Diameter: 800 – 1,800 mm
STEINERT SteelMaster
The sorting system works with a combination of ballistic and magnetic effects. It separates over 90% of all copper meatballs, waste and free copper wires from a heavy ferrous fraction. Its ballistic properties mean that around 20-30% of the material is separated, leaving around 70-80% of the input material as a very magnetic and mainly copper-free ferrous product that can be marketed accordingly. The purely physical basis of the separation principle means this technology provides a low-cost solution. The STEINERT SteelMaster is designed as an in-line system for scrap recycling plants but can also be operated as a batch process. Working width: 1,500 mm, 2,000 mm
2. How to clean heavy melting scrap (HMS) – Sheared E1/E3 for electric arc furnaces
Our sorting systems that clean >90% of residues from sheared HMS ferrous scrap E1/E3
Our STEINERT MTE Q magnetic drum is a variant of the classic MTE. It removes residues and non-ferrous materials by dropping them. The drum increases the efficiency of sorting plants by generating clean ferrous scrap. With the STEINERT MTE Q you can reliably remove iron from various sortable materials or recover high-purity ferrous fractions.
Working widths: 800 – 3,400 mm
Diameter: 800 – 1,800 mm
STEINERT overhead suspension magnets have been recovering iron and ferrous components from bulk material for many decades. The operating principle is based on deep-reaching magnetic field electromagnetic coils. An overhead suspension magnet is arranged above a feeding convey – or belt and extracts the ferromagnetic materials from the supply flow against the force of gravity. Self-cleaning magnetic separators have a circulating conveyor belt, equipped with projections, which removes the ferrous parts attracted by the magnets and allows them to fall into a separate container.
Working widths: 750 – 1,800 mm
The STEINERT magnetic pulley guarantees high extraction rates of ferromagnetic materials. The pulley can also be used to separate out weakly magnetic materials like stainless steels or non-corrosive steels if strong permanent magnets are deployed with neodymium-iron-boron magnets. The head pulley is equipped with permanent magnets of different magnetic forces to satisfy the respective application requirements. Frequent STEINERT BRP applications include the recovery of valuable stainless steel concentrates.
Working widths: 300 – 2,000 mm
Diameters: 240 – 640 mm
3. Further solutions for E-scrap and lighter mixed scrap
- Our sorting systems for E-scrap and lighter mixed scrap first step
This sorting system is a permanet magnet drum which includes an (open) vibration feeder for material infeed to the (STEINERT MTP) magnet. The drum ensures a very effective recovery of smaller and medium size free ferrous objects and ferrous compounds depending by picking or overflow STEINERT MTP set up. The STEINERT MPT is available with various magnetic material and design options and is mostly used upfront an eddy current separator.
Working widths: 450 – 1,950 mm
The recovery of non-ferrous metals is the economic basis of every recycling system. STEINERT Eddy current separators with an eccentric pole system optimally meet this requirement – it is no coincidence that more than 4,000 of them are in use worldwide winning over customers through their high extraction volumes and durability. Following various processing stages, the non-ferrous metal separator facilitates the recovery of clean, marketable non-ferrous metal mixtures containing aluminium, copper, zinc or brass.
Working widths: 500 – 2,500 mm
- Our sorting systems for E-scrap and lighter mixed scrap second step
Our STEINERT MTE Q magnetic drum is a variant of the classic MTE. It removes residues and non-ferrous materials by dropping them. The drum increases the efficiency of sorting plants by generating clean ferrous scrap. With the STEINERT MTE Q, you can reliably remove iron from various sortable materials or recover high-purity ferrous fractions.
Working widths: 800 – 3,400 mm
Diameter: 800 – 1,800 mm
STEINERT overhead suspension magnets recover iron and ferrous components from bulk material. The operating principle is based on deep-reaching magnetic field electromagnetic coils. An overhead suspension magnet is arranged above a feeding conveyor belt and extracts the ferromagnetic materials from the supply flow against the force of gravity. Self-cleaning magnetic separators have a circulating conveyor belt, equipped with projections, which removes the ferrous parts attracted by the magnets and allows them to fall into a separate container.
Working widths: 750 – 1,800 mm
The actual magnet in the UMP is very powerful due to its special structure and specific manufacturing method. Long parts are picked up on the belt and even difficult ferrous parts are attracted from a great distance. The latest generation enables deployment in locations where electromagnets still had to be used until recently. Permanent magnets are very energy efficient, since they do not require cooling. What’s more, these days the belt can be changed without having to disassemble the entire sorting machine. Multi-pole designs facilitate the extraction of light ferrous parts and ensure reliable iron capture.
Working widths: 60 – 130 cm
Working lengths: up to 200 cm
Test before you buy
In order to ensure maximum decision-making confidence when purchasing a sorting solution for steel recycling, we have STEINERT SteelMaster test units available to add at your existing shredder line. Testing in real material flow verifies the equipment performance in terms of quality, yield and throughput. Want to talk about setting up a test unit at your site? Simply get in touch with your personal STEINERT contact