Artificial Intelligence: The Recycling Revolution

14 Feb 2020  |
The evolution of artificial intelligence these past years has been dazzling.

On the one hand, there is a permanent competition in the field of software to have leading algorithms, the most innovative and “deep” neural networks and to see which one is the one more implemented and spread through the different industrial sectors. On the other hand, the field of hardaware has evolved through the manufacturers of devices because of “gaming”, in order to make the computation of the beforementioned algorithms affordable.

We are living a moment of technological revolution. The industry’s need to pivot towards industry 4.0 is causing the entry of new technologies capable of disrupting and modifying the industrial status quo.

This mix of factors and improvements is happening at an astonishing speed and allows to put within reach of the industry and automation sector applications that had been discarded until now.

PICVISA has joined this generated ecosystem as a propellant and implanter of this technological revolution to offer its customers innovative solutions and high competitive value so far unattainable for the recycling sector. We have approximated different solutions to latent problems in the recycling sector by integrating artificial intelligence to both optical sorters and our robotic units.

This list below shows the 6 possible solutions our product BRAIN BY PICVISA offers to the market:

  1. RECOVERY SOLUTION: allows recovery of recoverable material such as PET bottles, HDPE; BRICKS, CANS of end of line treatment flows.
  2. TRAY SOLUTION: allows you to separate food trays from bottles of the same material, simply by their shape, color and texture.
  3. FILM SOLUTION: allows to separate film (PE bags) from bottles of the same material, simply by its shape, color and texture.
  4. SILICONE SOLUTION: allows to separate the silicone tubes always existing in the HDPE flows.
  5. GLASS SOLUTION: allows the glass to be separated by colors.
  6. MEDICINE SOLUTION: allows in a flow of mixed medicines to select those specific ones that you want to separate.

The solutions presented allow to automate processes that until now could only be manual because they required a high level of flow interpretation that the existing algorithmic was not able to solve.

But as our solutions show, the new algorithmic allows a great specialization of the solution allowing customized solutions for our clients.

PICVISA considers the implementation of artificial intelligence throughout its product catalog as a strategic axis in its development. We want to be pioneers and promoters of the application of artificial intelligence in the recycling sector. It is our way of playing a part in the contributions for a more sustainable society.

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PICVISA is an innovative technology-based company that offers solutions based on robotics, artificial intelligence and machine vision to the national and international markets. We design, develop and produce selection and classification equipment for valuable materials. Our equipment can select...

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