Building A High-Performance Treatment Plant in 40 Weeks: Bianna Recycling’s Record Time Implementation In Madrid

Building a high-performance treatment plant in 40 weeks: Bianna Recycling’s record time implementation in Madrid
4 Dec 2020  |
Bianna Recycling is about to finish the commissioning of one of the 2020 top projects located in the municipality of Loeches (Madrid).

Because of its size, engineering, and treatment capacity and, particularly, for having been carried out during the toughest months of the pandemic: 40-week record.

The Environmental Recycling Complex for Waste Management in Loeches can already be considered as one of the milestones of 2020, a year in which waste management has been revealed as what it really is: a crucial area for the society that not only deserves special attention but also an investment.

This is the case of the Loeches treatment plant, where Bianna Recycling has been acting as a complete supplier for the integration of processes and equipment of the remaining fractions, light packaging, and refining. A project planned and executed during the most restrictive weeks of the pandemic, being able to carry out the work in a rigorous way and under strict safety measures. A situation that without a doubt makes the challenge of a facility like Loeches, managed by Mancomunidad del Este and ECOMESA (FCC) even more difficult yet.  Altogether, 40 working weeks in special circumstances have turned a normal development into something extraordinary.

The treatment plant synthesizes the full potential of Bianna Recycling’s technology, characterized by the integration of processes, lines, and equipment that seek the greatest performance and assessment of the input waste. Simultaneously, productivity is considered as an element that underpins the entire project, quite evident in the treatment capacity of all the designed lines. Specifically, 220,000 t/year of waste treated in the MSW line, 13,000 t/year of light packaging waste, and 12,000 t/year of business waste. Along with engineering, the use of robots for separation is also introduced to replace the handly picking performed by people.

Together with Loeches treatment plant, Bianna Recycling is dedicated to the development of Smart Plans 4.0. , a system of which you will be hearing more details about soon. New technical support that goes beyond waste management and that not only aims to integrate equipment, but also to connect them to get better performance. Combining Big Data and IoT technologies, the analysis of metrics coming from lines, processes, and equipment will allow an easier ultimate control and maintenance of the treatment plant, optimizing its operation and anticipating possible breakdowns among other advantages.

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Bianna Recycling is a multinational company offering solutions in the waste treatment and presentation. The company manufactures individual equipment, build treatment plants and other projects “turnkey”, and makes available to its customers engineering services, consulting, consulting...

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