A real performance support tool, Smart & Share has been designed to continuously analyze optical sorters and help you optimize their performance. It complements existing solutions for overall process supervision and control.
This application provides access to critical operational data (machine status, stream composition, throughput, etc.) to ensure operational continuity and improve the sorting quality.
Customers also benefit from customized intelligent alerts to optimize their preventive maintenance and the availability rate of their equipment.
Whether you are a sorting center or a recycling plant, Pellenc ST works with you to develop a tailor-made business solution with dedicated dashboards utilizing this digital service.
To go further, Pellenc ST has set up processes and a dedicated organization to support operators. Our experts provide remote monitoring, alerting and data analysis. Using this information as part of a Global Performance Plan, they recommend targeted actions to maintain your production tool to its full potential.
This solution is a SaaS connected maintenance applications. It guarantees secure data, accessible in real-time and remotely on all types of media to satisfy all user profiles.
The Smart & Share is currently being deployed in our main territories to meet the growing requirements of sorting quality and guarantee a sustainable and profitable Circular Economy.