The small footprint, low energy use plastic waste reprocessing unit has broken into growing EU and Asia markets. It has been in development since 2016. First sold in the USA and Canada, it offers decentralized organic processing with unparalleled separation performance. It expels each packet opened, emptied, and whole. The resultant clean food waste generated by the “Twister” effect, is free of micro-plastics and ready for anaerobic digestion.
Mark Vanderbeken, Chairman and Founder at Drycake®, says:
“We wanted something new for the Twister by Drycake.”
“Anyone familiar with the food waste depackaging market will probably have noticed how everyone else seems to start their depackaging and separation of source-separated organics by reducing the particle size. Most competitor depackagers do this to prevent clogging. They use milling, macerating, chopping, or shredding to reduce the plastic to small chips. But large pieces are easier to separate than smaller ones and why not perform the depackaging and separation stages together anyway?”
So DryCake went back to the drawing board and developed a system that avoids all cutting and is not based on processing plastic by reducing particle size. In fact, they open and remove the organic matter in a high-speed vortex using shear forces and vibration with as little damage as possible and minimal microplastics are created.
This makes it a market leader in sustainability by reducing the risk of environmental damage from plastic pollution. A move which Drycake chose because of the accumulating evidence of “ocean microplastics ingestion” which is endangering ocean plankton and the food chain which feeds all marine life.
It is also highly energy-intensive to slash, bash and smash these materials. All those moving parts in hammer mills, blades, and knife openers wear out and need replacing. So, the Twister has very few moving parts.
“It has to be much better to avoid breaking up plastic packaging wherever possible. Then you won’t make those microplastic particles in the first place”, said Mark.
That’s why Drycake predicted from the start that this innovation would be in high demand. Europe and Asia hold great prospects for this company to disrupt the industry, becoming the industry-standard depackager supplier with huge benefits to our planet.
They want to give their customers the ability to run sustainable plastic recycling businesses reprocessing plastic waste for use as resin in new packaging in the “circular economy” essential to avoid runaway climate change, on the one hand. While also supplying biogas plants with a high-grade organic paste.
This is a valuable paste or “organic soup” that they can sell to anaerobic digestion plant operators as a feedstock enabling them to make renewable energy in the form of biogas upgraded to biomethane. Compressed biomethane is used as Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and can be injected into town and city gas mains to heat our homes.
It is also ideally suited for use as a low-emission transport fuel for the transition period while hydrogen technology is being further developed.
The Twister concept is also quite new as its target market is wider than city/ regional MRFs (Materials Recycling Facilities) and ERFs (Energy Recovery Facilities/ Incinerators). The small footprint is ideal for multiple locations across a city, reducing Refuse Collection Vehicle (RCV) travel distances, lowering collection costs and emissions, raising food waste collection efficiency.
Distributing the locations of Twister units will ensure that waste collection teams spend more time on the street collecting trash and less sat in the cab of their RCVs en-route to the MRF ERF or transfer station. And, Drycake will design the complete process and facility building when needed.
They want their customers to be delighted by the low energy demand, small carbon footprint, low maintenance and high uptime of Twister. It’s a sustainable investment with impeccable green features.

In fact, supermarkets, businesses, and institutions that operate catering facilities, and food and drinks industry clients may find that they can achieve their sustainability targets through just one Twister unit purchase. That way they reduce the carbon footprint of their business and can showcase their genuinely green achievements for years.
Trying something new is always a risk, but it’s a risk they believe was worth taking. In this case, not least to help preserve the global environment and to provide a product that will help achieve Net-Zero Carbon 2050 emissions targets.
Twister technology does this in at least 4 ways:
- Reducing energy and water consumption by performing two operations in a single unit.
- Reducing dependency on fossil fuels (e. g. oil) which emit much more “greenhouse gas” carbon when manufacturers make products from virgin plastic resins instead of recycling.
- By producing food waste in the form of a plastic-free paste or slurry ideally suitable for use to feed a biogas plant where the biogas plant produces renewable energy with a very low net carbon emission. Again reducing the need to use geological deposits of oil or gas.
- Once the organic slurry is digested, when spread on agricultural land it also lowers carbon emissions by reducing the need for the farmer to buy chemical fertilisers. Traditional fertilisers are mined from geological deposits. They consume large amounts of fossil fuel to mine and transport, so yet again this invention helps to save our planet.
Drycake has been in business as a global leader in separation solutions since 1995. Since Day 1 it has provided market disruptive process equipment and design for sustainable waste reuse, recycling, and energy recovery globally.
This isn’t the first time Drycake has defied convention either. In previous years while focusing on waste reuse and materials recovery for the municipal and industrial wastewater sectors they caused a stir with the Plastifloat™. A simple yet effective technology that separates plastic from fluids.