Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH On A Mission To Go Green

Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH On A Mission To Go Green

An innovative manufacturer of double-trommel screening plants

Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH was founded in Grossräschen in 2000 as a one-man business specializing in servicing and selling used trommel screening plants. Now an internationally operating company, it has established itself as a manufacturer of mobile and stationary double-trommel screening plants and is expecting 2021 to be the most profitable year in its history. As early as 2009, it won the Brandenburg State Zukunftspreis (‘Future Award’), and spring 2021 saw the 500th ZEMMLER® MULTI SCREEN® delivered. Since moving to its new facility in Massen-Niederlausitz in 2016, where 60 staff now work, Zemmler manufactures everything under one roof.

The Zemmler screening concept

The innovative double-trommel technology enables screening in three fractions rather than two, and in just a single operation. Wire screens (with mesh between 2 and 80 mm) stretched around the double trommel’s steel structure mean the MULTI SCREEN® screening plants can be used in a number of industries. As such, they have been tried and tested for recycling timber and construction waste, treating minerals, soils, and biomass, and for recycling metal, commercial waste and special materials. Zemmler builds double-trommel screening plants weighing between 1.8 and 24 t, allowing it to service both small garden & landscaping businesses and also large recycling companies.

A manufactory approach

From welding to painting and varnishing to final assembly, everything is done at Zemmler’s own factory. This also includes the plants’ electrical engineering and controls. Only welded components and some of the control cabinets are supplied by regional partners. Four designers are constantly further developing the mobile and stationary plants on site.

As such, Zemmler reinforces the Made in Germany quality seal that customers value so greatly.

A mission to GO GREEN

Zemmler considers its sustainable corporate mission to be the recycling of various reusable materials. The double-trommel screening plants save natural resources and enable a higher proportion of usable materials to be produced. 300 different electrically powered plants have been delivered in total, thereby helping reduce CO2 emissions and increase electric mobility.

A future-oriented employer

As a key player in the waste industry, Zemmler wants to do justice to its motto of ‘Produced in Lusatia – sold to the world’. The company has benefited from more restrictive environmental regulations and the general trend towards sustainability, resource preservation and recycling. The facility in Massen offers lots of room to expand and develop production facilities. As a medium-sized employer with a wide variety of tasks, innovative products and a dedicated team, Zemmler also considers itself responsible for regional development. As such, it can help push forward alternative means of obtaining raw materials, increased recycling quotas and the expansion of system automation.

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Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH is a manufacturer of mobile and stationary double trommel screening machines. The company was founded in 2000. Within a few years a flourishing company has grown from a one-man business. In cooperation...

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