Operating from their 60,000 sq. ft recycling plant in South Wales, where they process collected waste paper, their processes, shredding and baling, create a tremendous amount of fine dust.
As a waste product, the captured dust is difficult to handle, manage and transport, with limited options except for expensive landfills.

The solution proposed, a Weima C150 briquette press. By integrating a briquette machine into the existing recycling system any fine dust created is converted into solid briquettes. This not only benefits the client from less airborne dust, but it also converts a potentially explosive material into an inert product that can be easily handled, as well as providing an additional resource of briquettes, which can be sold as solid fuel, for profit.
The paper dust transported through the LEV system is deposited into the Weima C150 briquette press, where it is processed under very high pressure to form solid briquettes. The briquettes, exiting the press, are fed along with a pipe delivery system into a plastic collection crate.
The briquette press is capable of processing average volumes of up to 400kg per day.
Fercell is the sole UK distributor of Weima GmbH shredders and briquette presses.