Olvi has a history of 140 years, while Europress has more than 40 years behind it, and the two companies have worked together already for a while. At Olvi’s recycling centers, several Europress SMART waste management equipment takes care of efficiently collecting materials.
Efficiency and environmental issues are strongly related to responsibility. Europress has supplied waste management solutions that have helped make Olvi’s waste management more efficient, as a result of which its waste centers have become recycling centers. Everything that can be recycled is recycled. In addition to utilizing valuable recycled materials, Olvi also relies on Finnish renewable energy.
Europress SMART – at the forefront of digitalization
The Europress SMART system integrates waste management equipment digitally, optimizing both the filling levels of waste compactors and transportation needs. Less frequent waste transports help save the environment by reducing CO2 emissions.
SMART’s easy-to-use technology helps monitor the filling of waste compactors efficiently and ensures quality customer service. By utilizing the latest technology, SMART provides the customer with even more accurate information and is an excellent competitive advantage in more digitalized waste management.
Service calls, waiting times, faults, and piles of waste next to overfilled waste compactors – SMART Insights provides a solution to all of these quickly and intelligently. The number of on-site services reduces as service situations are resolved online and waiting times for out-of-service equipment are reduced.

Benefits of the SMART remote service:
- Eliminates redundant emptying of waste compactors
- Predicts filling levels by means of artificial intelligence
- Cuts CO2 emissions by reducing transports
- Generates cost savings
- Helps save the environment
- Takes into consideration seasonal variations
- Reduces working time for employees