That is how the latest addition to the HSM GmbH + Co. KG product portfolio can be summed up. Once again, the baling press manufacturer from South Germany has its finger on the pulse with this new development, as the baling press is perfect for the market and its currently increased requirements.
The continuous increase in cardboard consumption and the growing mountains of packaging waste have also meant increased requirements for recycling. Storage and warehouse space needs to be used more and more efficiently or is perhaps not even available. The HSM V-Press 860 TimeSave decreases the volume of recyclable material by up to 95 percent and, with segregated bales, generates a secondary raw material that can be put back into the recycling loop. The positive side effect: over a certain weight, the bales have a substantial market value. The high degree of compression saves storage space and facilitates transportation. Less strapping material is also required.

Thanks to the time-saving lifting-tilting device, it only takes a few seconds to load the HSM V-Press 860 TimeSave using a collection cart. The bulky cardboard can first be collected in this large, robust collection cart. It is also not a problem if the cart is slightly overfilled. The cardboard is then compressed automatically without the need for prior cutting. The practical collection cart is available from HSM as an option. In a direct comparison to other vertical baling presses with automatic loading, up to one and a half hours can be saved per bale – each cart is emptied within 12 seconds. When compared to vertical balers with manual loading, the HSM V-Press 860 TimeSave can even save you up to five hours per bale. Moreover, the baler can be loaded manually at any time.
The bales are strapped 4-fold with Quicklink-wire and have been optimized for cost-effective storage, transport, and commercialization. With maximum dimensions of 1200 x 780 x max. 1000 millimeters, the highly compressed bales reach a weight of up to 430 kilograms (depending on the material). The closed system allows for a simple, safe, and clean operation.
Rapid-Stroke Technology saves Time and Money
With a pressing force of 594 kN and the quiet, energy-saving rapid-stroke technology, it is the economical and environmentally friendly solution for many waste disposal tasks. The rapid-stroke technology significantly lowers the power consumption and the drive power whilst simultaneously increasing the throughput performance. Using this technology, the stroke time is reduced by up to 40% in comparison to conventional drives. Due to a special pump technology, the machines are also particularly quiet.

Thanks to the special HSM TCS (TorsionControlSystem), the inclination of the pressing plate is monitored continuously in all directions. This prevents one-sided loading, optimizes the pressing process, and therefore ensures long operational life and a high degree of process reliability. The machine is controlled and operated using a modern microprocessor and a convenient membrane keypad with a graphics capable text display that shows the current status of the machine.